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Quantum Weirdness III:
Bell's Inequality

Randomness and Hidden Variables

The Copenhagen Interpretation views the randomness of quantum phenomena as an irreducible aspect of nature. In the double-slit experiment, for example, we know that there is high probability of an electron being detected at certain locations, and a low or zero probability of it being detected at other locations. Since one cannot observationally "track" the electron before it strikes the detector (without destroying the interference pattern), it is unscientific speculation to ask why this particular electron struck the screen at this particular location. The observation is simply that it did; end of story.

Other examples of randomness in nature, however, are explainable in terms of deterministic processes, which are simply impractical to track in sufficient detail to predict exact outcomes. For example, a hand of cards delt from a shuffled deck can be treated as a random sample, and discussed probabilistically. But if one knew the minute details of each step in the suffling process, then the position of every card would be known, and the contents of the draw predictable in advance. The most notable example of this in the history of science is the kinetic theory of gases and the field of statistical mechanics, which explains the thermodynamic properties of macroscopic objects in terms of the deterministic motions of individual molecules.

Could it be that quantum randomness also reflects deterministic behavior at a level too difficult to observe and track, but still thoroughly real? We've already encountered this suggestion in David Bohm's interpretation of the wave function as a field that guides the motion of the particles, such as electrons, casuing them to strike the detector at locations consistent with the probabilities given by quantum mechanics. The class of theories that attempt to account for quantum probabilities in this way are called hidden variable theories, the idea being that the outcomes of particular experiments are not fundamentally random, but determined by the values of variables that are unknown to the experimenter. Hidden variable theories are aimed at accounting for the interference seen in superposition states without abandoning the philosophical orientation of metaphysical realism.

The prospect of devising a satisfactory hidden variable theory was prematurely dismissed in the early days of quantum mechanics. John von Neumann published a proof that no hidden variable theory could be made consistent with the prediction of quantum mechanics. This proof was accepted for some time, but was eventually found to be in error.

The current status of hidden variable theories is framed by an influential paper by John Bell, which acknowledges that hidden variable theories are possible, but only if the theories are nonlocal, meaning that changes in the quantum system are conveyed from place to place faster than the speed of light, in violation of Einstein's special relativity theory.

Coupled Particles

Bell's work addressed the case of coupled particles, first used by Einstein, Podolsky, and Rosen to argue that quantum mechanics must be an incomplete theory. Consider an atomic process that produces two photons of light, emitted in opposite directions, but with the same polarization. (Polarization is the direction of the electic field associated with a light wave. You might picture the photon as a frisbee, that can sail along horizontally, as most frisbees do, or tipped up at any arbitrary angle, including vertical.)

Polarization is measured by passing the photon through a polarizer. If the polarizer is oriented parallel to the polarization of the photon, the photon passes through unimpeded. If it is oriented perpendicular to the polarization of the photon, the photon is absorbed. At an intermediate angle, the photon will have a certain probability of being transmitted.

The interesting thing is that there are two photons with the same polarization, moving apart from one another at the speed of light. If the coherence of the system can be maintained, a measurement made at one location will assign a single definite state to the system, which should be verified by any subsequent measurements, no matter where they occur. Whether the first photon passes through the polarizer or is absorbed completely determines the polarization of both photons from that point onward. The polarizer can be thought of as asking the system "are you polarized at angle x?" and accepting only a yes/no answer, which the system is then obliged to repeat consistently thereafter.

In the Copenhagen interpretation, nothing can be said about the angle of polarization of the photons before the measurement. The angle of polarization has no objective reality until it is measured, and the measurement result is not predetermined by anything, it is intrinsically random. After it is measured, then the polarization state of both photons is completely known and will not change.

In a hidden variable theory, there is a variable or variables that determine the real polarization angle of the photons; these variables have definite values from the moment the photons are formed, and they determine what the result of the polarization measurement will be.

An interesting thing happens if we make the polarization measurement on the second particle at a different angle from our measurement on the first. Now the two photons will have different probabilities of passing through their respective polarizers. We can expect that sometimes photon A will pass through its polarizer, but photon B will be absorbed by its polarizer. We can call such events errors, not in the sense of mistakes, but just in the sense that there is a disagreement between the measurements of the two polarizers.

Suppose the polarizer at A is rotated by an angle x relative to the polarizer at B. A certain number of errors are produced, say E. Now what happens if we rotate the B polarizer through an angle x in the opposite direction, so that the total angle between them is 2x? We expect more errors, but how much more? Twice as many? Bell demonstrated that the error rate with an angle 2x must be less than or equal to twice the error rate at angle xE(2x)<=2E(x), provided that the photons have a definite polarization (as postulated by the hidden variable theories) and that the A photon cannot affect the B photon's state instantaneously (this is the requirement of locality). Although it may not be immediately obvious why this inequality must hold true for all local hidden variable theories, you can get some intuitive sense of its correctness by imagining both polarizers being rotated while the photons are in flight. Before they are rotated, the error rate will be a minimum. Rotating polarizer A causes some of the photons striking it to be absorbed when they would have been transmitted, or vice versa. This increases the error rate to E. Because of symmetry, we would expect exactly the same thing to happen if we left A fixed and rotated B through the same angle in the opposite direction. With both polarizers rotated, we should get both contributions to the total error rate, but reduced by a certain number of cases where the errors cancel (for example, a pair of photons that were both transmitted when the polarizers were parallel, but are both absorbed when both polarizers are rotated; since this is two absorptions, it would not count as an error). The self-cancelling errors might be very few, even 0, but cannot be negative, so you could never get more than twice the error rate by doubling the angle between polarizers.

Although this inequality is rather subtle, it has a profound implication, because quantum mechanics does predict that the error rate may more than double when the angle between the polarizers is doubled. Why? Because when the first measurement is made at polarizer A, the entire system enters a definite state corresponding to that measurement. If the photon at A passes through the polarizer, then the photon at B must have exactly the same polarization as the one at A. Depending on the angle, this can greatly reduce the probability of transmission for photon B, and increase the error rate above the limit given by Bell's inequality.

The Experiment and Its Implications

Bell's Inequality has been tested experimentally numerous times, to an astounding degree of precision. Photon pairs have been separated by distances as large as 15 km, and the polarizers rotated with such precision timing that there is insufficient time for any physical signal to be transmitted between the first photon and the second. The predictions of quantum mechanics are confirmed; Bell's Inequality is violated. What does this mean for the status of hidden variable theories? It means that for any hidden variable theory to be consistent with experiment, the principle of locality must be violated. The theory must allow the instantaneous transfer of information across arbitrarily large distances. One might say that subatomic particles are required to "telephathically" communicate with other particles kilometers away.

We seem to be left with a choice of interpretations, neither of which accords well with the naive realism of classical physics. Either subatomic particles are capable of a mysterious form of instantaneous communication, requiring no exchange of energy and no transmission time, or else we may follow the Copenhagen interpretation and regard the properties of the particles as having no objective reality until they are measured. Until hidden variable theories are developed with testable predictions that differ from standard quantum mechanics, there is no scientific basis for favoring one interpretation over another. It is a matter of esthetics.

To many physicists, however, the hidden variable approach has the look of an ad hoc complication to a theory that doesn't need it. The addition of hidden variables and guiding waves help solve no scientific problem nor do they simplify any calculation. They might be compared with Ptolemaic epicycles, which complicate the theory of the solar system but maintain consistency with a philosophical doctrine from outside of science, that of the centrality of the Earth. Likewise hidden variable theories allow us to maintain a position of metaphysical realism and reject the epistemological view of reality offered by the Copenhagen interpretation. On the other hand, the Copenhagen interpretation can be rightly criticized as antithetical to the inquisitive spirit of science, by rejecting out of hand any speculation about lower-level deterministic process behind the phenomenon of quantum randomness.

For myself, I do not see any reason to think that quantum mechanics is the final word on scientific understanding of the microscopic world, and hidden variable ideas should certainly be pursued as long as there are interested researchers to do so; we cannot know in advance whether new important insights will emerge from such work or not. However, I also think the burden is on the hidden variable theorists to show that their approach has actual scientific value, and is not just an elaborate complication introduced for the sole purpose of saving a philosophical belief that is not itself a part of science.

In the meantime, though, I think it is fair to regard the Copenhagen interpretation as the cleanest and most natural framework for understanding and using the equations of quantum mechanics. If one thinks that the Copernican system is a good reason for abandoning geocentrism, and that relativity theory is a good reason for abandoning concepts of absolute space and time, then quantum mechanics would likewise seem to be a good reason for abandoning metaphysical realism in favor of a more epistemological view of the world.

Quantum Mechanics and Mysticism in Popular Culture

If quantum mechanics challenges naive metaphysical realism, does it consequently validate every mystical, magical, or spiritual speculation we can think of? A visit to the new age section of your local bookstore might lead you to think so. Quantum mechanics actually has very little to offer in providing a scientific mechanism for puported phenomena such as ESP, divination, telepathy, synchronicity, channelling, out-of-body experiences, and so on. As we have seen, quantum weirdness and the "interconnectedness" it seems to imply requires coherent superposition states, which are really not to be encountered outside the carefully controlled conditions of a physics laboratory. Our day-to-day experience is in the world of macroscopic objects with definite single states. Furthermore, it can be demonstrated that the quantum interconnectedness exhibited in Bell's experiment, for example, actually cannot be exploited to send messages from place to place faster than light. The correlation between the results of the two measurements is something that can only be recognized with records of the two observations are brought together and compared. Until this is done, the observer at B remains clueless as to what the observer at A is doing.

Despite the inadequacy of the pop-culture attempts to link quantum mechanics with mystical and magical phenomena, I do think quantum weirdness has some relevance to matters of religion, philosophy, and spiritual experience. For many centuries, western thinking has been dominated by the idea of an objective reality, completely laid out in advance, just waiting for us to learn about it. Quantum mechanics tells us there is something wrong with this picture--although there are different opinions as to what exactly is wrong about it. It appears that when something is truly left to itself--a system small and isolated enough to preclude even the possibility of observation--its properties lose their objective reality, leaving us with no way to make an adequate mental picture of what it is doing. It is as if Nature doesn't bother to keep track of details that aren't needed; she sometimes doesn't have an answer ready until the question is asked. Sometimes it is human beings who ask the questions; more often it is some macroscopic amplification process that does it for us.

This picture undermines metaphysical reductionism, which would have us believe that macroscopic objects depend on microscopic ones, but microscopic objects do not depend on the macroscopic world. On the contrary, it seems that the two levels depend on each other. From our human perspective, at least, things like Geiger counters and photographic plates seem to be necessary to get electrons to decide where they are and what they're doing there. Neils Bohr and some of his colleagues always kept a clear focus on the macroscopic world of meter readings and other phenomena available to the human senses as constituting the primary reality. For them, the microworld was an extrapolation of human understanding into a realm of uncertain metaphysical status.

There are also profound implications to the Copenhagen Interpretation's elevation of epistemology to take priority over metaphysics. Experience is primary; from those experiences we collectively construct an image, a story, a model of what the world must be like in order to provide the experiences we have. We then place such trust in the story that it becomes primary for us, and our experiences are seen as nothing more than its byproducts. Quantum mechanics shakes that trust, and calls us back to experience itself, the immediacy of consciousness of the here and now. This is, of course, what world's great mystical and meditative traditions have been urging for centuries.

So I do think quantum mechanics offers some support for mystical approaches to understanding the world, not because it provides a physical mechanism to account for paranormal experiences, but rather because it puts the brakes on our unexamined trust in "objective reality" and alerts us to the possibility of radically different philosophical orientations, including some that are much more congenial to a reality in which consciousness has some primacy over matter, or at least some autonomy from it.

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