The Art Gallery




Spiritual Reflections

Pagan Witchcraft


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Blog: Starweaver's Corner


No, I'm not a real artist, I just play one on the web...

Visual expression is an important part of my creative life, even though it is not something I would take on professionally. I'm a visual person and a visual learner, so I like tend to have images in my mind for things that are important to me. Doing art is one way to manifest those images and make them more tangible. Much of my art is thus tied in with my spiritual practice, and has a tarot, mythological, pagan, or astrological theme.

I work in various media, although my favorites are blockprinting (I do soft-block carving), colored pencil, pastel, and digital art.

Much of my work ends up in the form of Artist Trading Cards, 3.5 x 2.5 inch creations that I trade with other artists and ATC hobbyists. You can find out more about them on the Cedarseed ATC site.

I've posted some samples of what I do here, including the illustrations for Gems from Earth and Sky. I hope you enjoy this excursion into the visual arts.

Tarot Art

Pagan/Mythological Art

Astrological Art

Rune Art

And, of course, Miscellaneous Art!

More Art

Project Tilion: older web pages from previous incarnations of this site

Copyright © 2007-2008 Tom Waters