Queen of Coins

Fire of Earth ~ Practical Caretaker ~ The Organizer

Personality. The queen of coins always knows what needs to be done in every situation. If there is something to be accomplished, she is there, busily putting the pieces together and attending to the details. She is very grounded in the practical. There is so much to do in life, why would one waste time in contemplation or other self-indulgent activities? The flurry of activity that swirls around her has beneficial consequences that are seldom appreciated (except by the queen herself): she keeps families together, she gets children raised, she keeps the neighborhood safe from intruders, and, in the final analysis, she keeps the culture whole so that future generations may inherit it.

The queen of coins is in charge of humanity's "infrastructure". What could be accomplished if all the practical details of life fell into disrepair? What would we do without regular meals, liveable homes, and community projects that keep us all interconnected? Such things are the queen's natural domain, and she is the unrivaled mistress of these essential underpinnings of the human community.

Although we could not survive for long without her ministrations, she may sometimes become overwhelming. Her passion for order and activity may become a kind of well-meaning oppression, the walls she careful builds to protect us all may begin to feel like a prison. The queen of coins lacks empathy for others' needs for solitude, recreation, or even adventure.

Role. The queen is the social glue that holds people together; she is also an effective project manager. Whether it is planning a wedding, fundraising for charity, or organizing a sales campaign for a major corporation, the queen of coins is the essential "command center" that keeps it all from falling apart.

In a reading, this card may indicate a need to take control of the details, to stop relying on things to "take care of themselves". One is called upon to function responsibly, enthusiastically, and thoroughly in order to assure success for self and others.

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