Five of Staves

Fire in Gevurah ~ Failure of Will ~ Strife

Metaphysics. The will now meets its own reflection, and conflict becomes the imperative of survival. Compromise is unimaginable; only the strongest will survive. This is the true trial by fire, the testing of the spirit against its antagonists. Defeat means the fire is extinguished, victory rmeans it survives to find manifestation in the personality and in the world.

Psychology. Competition, battle, aggression, conflict, primal male dominance rituals. Is it possible to live in peace and harmony, or do we always need the image of the adversary to help us understand ourselves? Recognizing the other as a rival or opponent sets in motion a psychological process that leads, inevitably, to the showdown: the decisive battle, the butting of horns, the tournament. Like all fiery impulses, strife takes care of itself in short order if it is channeled and expressed, but when trapped it can wreak havoc on the personality.

In today's culture, physical combat is usually replaced by the milder, verbal forms. The energy, however remains the same. Each seeks dominance, each seeks to injure, each seeks to be the last left standing, to get in the last word. This card demands that we acknowledge the primal strife behind our debates, negotiations, and testiness. Sometimes understanding and visualizing the fighting impulse is enough to release its hold on us, and allow for more collaborative approaches to return. Other times, the conflict must actually play out, perhaps in a ritualized or structured way that prevents things getting out of control and causing collateral damage.

It is helpful to see the constructive side of strife as well. It is a winowing, a testing, a filter separating what was actually meant to be from what was merely desired. The harsh words and opposition of others may help us see our own selfishnes, and channel the will in more productive directions. Good solutions often emerge from candid disagreement and debate.

Events. When strife enters your life, you know it. The events are obvious: the heated exchange, the bitter looks, the rash reaction. Its roots may be untraceable, leaving you to wonder "why? where did the anger come from?" The card shows war gods battling amongst the clouds, while the human silhouettes ape their motions below, like puppets. Shit happens. On the surface, there may be conflicting plans, hurt feelings, or ideological disputes. The card means that a quarrel is erupting. But it also encourages us to remember that the surface manifestations are not the deep cause, and that forging a compromise on the issues may not dispel the animosity between the parties. The power struggle is apparently part of the nature of life, and will intrude on all our affairs at some point, regardless of the maneuvers we make to ensure harmonious behaviors.

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