2 of Cups

Water in Chokmah ~ Impulse of Love ~ Attraction

Metaphysics. This the force that drives us to "lose ourselves" in the ocean of being. In the material world, this is a dream that can never be truly realized. Instead, it manifests itself as empathy, the recognition of the self in the other, and the feeling of intimacy with all the creatures of the universe. The card, however, depicts the force before the manifestation. It thus stands for mystical bliss, as well as the mundane expressions of love that spring from that source.

Psychology. This is love in its purest, most innocent form: not lust, or fantasy, or attachment, but rather the simple joy of communion with the other. This is love as it speaks to the child within us, uncomplicated by consequences, institutions, or concepts.

As a primordial force, the impulse of love may be difficult to identify and appreciate, as it represents something prior to language and thought. Capturing its essence demands a return to the innocence of childhood, to the infant's relationship with mother, or to the toddler's first pet, or the youngster's first "best friend." The true spirit within these early memories is likely forgotten, but part of it thrives in the later manifestations of love: the teenager's first crush, the intoxicating and bewildering first kiss of young love, the airy giddiness of feeling detached from one's ego and seeking to melt into the dream of life.

This is a demanding card. Interpreting it cannot be done with words and concepts. Instead, it requires a humble journey into the deep wells of innocent emotion. What do I love? Where is my heart? How does the child within me find peace and joy? What is the name of Bliss? These are not questions to be lightly passed over. Have you had a moment of unreflective, abandoned empathy for another? Have you given up your ego to a person, emotion, or idea? These questions may provide hints to the meaning of the card in a reading.

Many disappointments and complications block our experience of the purity of love, and color it with many glyphs or warding. The 2 of cups challenges us to find a way behind those constructs of self-protection and re-experience the primal, childlike joy in the impulse of love.

Events. The impulse of love can appear in life in a great variety of ways, many of which we will not recognize if we think only in the narrow context of romantic or familial love. It can also be the flush of fondness for a new friend, the pleasure of reading a new author, or the heartfelt care given to a favorite activity.



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