
Horticultural Societies

American Iris Society (AIS): the chief organization for the promotion of irises. Excellent starting place for anyone interested in this genus of plants. Check out the Iris Encyclopedia here for pedigree research.

Aril Society International (ASI): A society devoted to aril and arilbred irises. ASI has an annual plant sale and seed exchange. Includes a nice photo essay on Regelia breeding by Elm Jensen.

Species Iris Group of North America (SIGNA): a section of the AIS devoted to iris species. SIGNA has an annual seed exchange, and the web site has an extensive database of species with many photographs.

British Iris Society (BIS): counterpart of AIS in the UK; has a seed exchange and reasonable overseas membership rates.

Median Iris Society (MIS): a section of the AIS devoted to medians. MIS has a new seed exchange program.

Dwarf Iris Society (DIS): another section of AIS, devoted to the miniature dwarf bearded irises.

North American Rock Garden Society (NARGS): a large society of rock garden and alpine enthusiasts, with an annual seed exchange that usually includes some irises.

The Alpine Garden Society in the UK has a seed exchange including many irises

Scottish Rock Garden Club (SRGC): a large international society of rock garden and alpine enthusiasts, with an annual seed exchange and an active discussion forum.

Commercial Gardens

Rainbow Iris Farms: TBs, medians, and dwarfs, sometimes including several I. pumila cultivars.

Mid-America Garden: source of latest varieties of TBs, dwarfs, medians, and arilbreds.

Superstition Iris Gardens: wide selection, including many arilbreds.

Aitken's Salmon Creek Garden: good selection of many different types of irises.

Stout Gardens at Dancingtree has some unusual species hybrids

Odyssey Bulbs: specialist bulb dealer, with a modest selection of arils, including some tetraploid species and hybrids.

Arrowhead Alpines: alpines and rock garden plants, including I. pumila and I. aphylla. Note: I. pumila was misidentified.

Wrightman Alpines has a somewhat wider range of bearded species than Arrowhead; highly recommended. (Spain) offers seeds of several iris species.

Josef Jurášek (Czech Republic) offers alpine seeds, including a selection of iris species, some collected in the wild; generous portions and extras.

Vojtech Holubec (Czech Republic) also has a wonderful seed list with a number of iris species.

Lithuanian Rare Bulb Garden (Lithuania) has a respectable selection of arils, both species and hybrids.

Paul Christian Rare Plants (UK) offers aril and bearded species, as well as lots of junos and other types.

Other Resources

Kenneth Kidd's video on bearded iris breeding

Iris Breeding at Stout Gardens (video)

Kelly Norris's presentation on dwarf bearded iris for NARGS

Arilbreds Facebook group

Iris Hybridizing Facebook group

Tom Waters

September 2010

updated April 2018

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Unless otherwise noted, all text and illustrations copyright Tom Waters and all photographs copyright Tom or Karen Waters. Please do not reproduce without permission.